Tuesday, September 15, 2009

De-conditioned together

Tonight I was headed out for another test run. My calf is still not 100% and after my run on Friday that left me limping for half a day I've been taking it easy. I had strict instructions, not too far, not too fast and no pain. Easy enough. The good news was, the weather has turned so my partner has come out of retirement. This was Mia's first day on the roads since the beginning of July. I tried to lay out the same rules for her, go easy, not too fast and keep it short. Well, like her Mom, she's stubborn and didn't listen. If she could, she would have been clicking her heels the first few steps out the door. She was ready, or so she thought. I noticed that after a mile and a half I had no pain, didn't want to get to excited. I also noticed that the old lady had pooped herself out. She wasn't struggling outright, but looked like she normally did at the end of a faster 5-7 miles. Mile 2 is where the pain set in on Friday and we passed that point with no problem. Things were looking good, we ended the run after 3 miles, and good thing. It was only a quarter mile walk to home and Mia wanted to crawl. At one point Joe stopped to congratulate both of us on our successful run and she looked like she was going to take a nap right there in the middle of the street. I'm glad there was no pain and am going to continue to take it slow over the next few days and Mia is going to use this slow period to amp back up.

Days till NYC: 46
Miles trained today: 3

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