Sunday, September 11, 2011


So delayed gratification has never been my thing and it was only last week I pledged to hold out on buying a new bike to ensure my commitment to it's use. Well today I took my new phat whip out on it's maiden voyage and man, oh man what a ride it was! I had been told that a new bike would change my life and I didn't believe it...until today. It was only a short ride but just enough for me to realize that this was the right push prize. What's a push prize? That's my gift for surviving pregnancy, labor, delivery and the first 12 weeks. I don't want to hear any of that jazz about the baby being my prize, he's cute but too much work to count as a prize. Shopping for this bike, I intentionally chose the model that would NOT allow for the addition of a baby seat on the back. Him and I have the jogging stroller, this bike is for me and me alone. Next week I debut my new phat whip at a race and I'm starting to think that a PR might be in reach, I don't want to get too excited yet but the possibility is there.

Miles ridden today: 11

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