Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Running interrupted

Today was one of those days where it looked like my run wasn't going to happen. I was too tired to get up early and hit the track and by the time breakfast was done the rain was coming down hard. Never mind forcing myself out in the rain drops, I couldn't see dragging the kid with me. Then just as it seemed to be drying out the kid fell asleep and as much as I'm pro-exercise I am more so pro-nap. It dawned on me that I could give the treadmill a try, not that I really wanted to run in my disgusting basement alone but it would have to do. Unfortunately by the time the idea came to me, I found my running clothes and figured out the baby monitor I only had time for a mile before the kid woke up and we had other things to worry about. I thought maybe we could head out later but again when he was awake it was pouring outside. And the minute he fell asleep it stopped raining. So I did the unthinkable, I ran on the treadmill for the 2nd time in one day. Just a quick 2 miles and even had time for a shower. Would I have rather run outdoors in one shot, of course, that just wasn't in my cards today. Another lesson in how creative I am going to have to be in balancing motherhood and training.

Miles run today: 3

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