Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Clubbing it

Never having been part of sports in high school or college this whole group thing is somewhat new to me and I continue to be amazed by it. How a group of adults with nothing in common beyond running can gather together and form bonds and connections is kind of amazing to watch and be a part of. I've run with the same club for the last several years and made many great friends and had wonderful experiences. It never ceases to inspire me, this morning I watched as 3 people who did not appear to be close friends connect over the difficulty of understanding their nutritional needs with marathon training. At the same time 2 other people were celebrating their perceived end of summer with the kids returning to school. Mind you this was all at 6am on a track. After these connections everyone took off for their repeat 800's at differing speeds but you could hear quiet words of encouragement when groups ran by each other. Recently I've started to swim with another group and they do it as well. This week there was no coach but it would have been difficult for an outsider to see as everyone showed up and helped each other through a planned workout. And again the same thing this weekend with a group that completes open water swims together. I went with a friend and we must have looked terrified but people came over and engaged us in conversation. At the end of the swim those who lapped us offered words of encouragement and well wishes for an upcoming race. There were many invitations for us to join them again. Even places like yoga it happens, just by going and practicing with the same people week after week these connections form. Without the running club I wouldn't have achieved many of my accomplishments over the last few years and I certainly would not have had as many laughs. I guess what I'm trying to say is go and try it. Too often our own fears and worries hold us back but these groups are filled with people having a good time doing what they love and enjoy sharing it with others.
Miles run today: 3

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