Saturday, June 16, 2012

70.3 meet my family...

Today was one of those days where it wasn't going to fit.  It's the reason why I've quit the training plans  and have gone rogue.  This weekend includes the kid's first birthday as well as Father's Day.  For a while I toyed with racing on Father's Day, until Joe started to rub his eyes and run his hands through his hair.  It was a sign, it was in my best interest NOT to race.  So then what?  The training schedule calls for too much than can be managed and keep a happy household.  After a week of perserverating I decided to call it, the long ride wasn't going to happen.  This morning I sent Joe out for a ride to maintain his sanity and during nap time got in an hour on the trainer.  After the birthday party of birthday parties, I hit the trainer for another hour and followed it up with a run.  Not perfect but it's what worked for the fam. Tomorrow is another problem...I can run a 5k with the Hub and kid but really want to run the run course of the race.  He's put up with my training for how many months now?  So what I think will happen is 7 solo miles before the race.  Hey, it's not perfect but it's life with a young child.  It's the reason I've given up on the many training plans I've tried to follow and come up with my own.  I have a young child at home and sometimes things aren't going to go as planned.  I can't complain.  I can't change it.  I have to make it fit and be ok with it.

Trained 30 miles on the bike and 3 miles on the road.

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