Friday, November 23, 2012

Dreadmill Throwdown

Yesterday I begged and pleaded for a throwdown.  It's time for us to race, I know I'm finally faster and ready to prove it once and for all.  The problem is the husband also knows this and doesn't want to be publicly shamed so won't agree.  Fast forward to tonight and we find ourselves at the gym.  I messed up my math and had to cancel yoga for a dreadmill workout.  I thought we were running our own miles till he started to push the speed, not worried at first I ignored him.  I had built in a nice cushion.  Mile 2 arrives and I can already taste sweet victory but I can't celebrate as he's gaining ground.  The smart move would have been to ignore him and keep with an easy pace, so of course I kept going faster and faster.  This was not the throwdown I wanted, there had been no time to prep.  Every time I increase the pace he matches me.  Now we look like fools barely able to stay on the machines but too stupid to call it.  The only reason he came close was that I relaxed during the 2nd mile to stretch out the poor legs after yesterday's hills.  Finally 3 miles.  Done.  Cool down.  Again confident in my winning only to be smacked with a loss.  Me: 30:05 Joe 29:35.  I'm not sure how he did it but am confident that he'll call this a win and we'll never throwdown at a race.

Ran 3+ miles

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