Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's gone, all gone

I was running along tonight with my Garmin beeping every mile or so. I would glance down to get my split and kept just missing a warning that would flash across the screen. After I while I figured it out, my Garmin was full! I never plug it in, the last run I loaded into my computer was 4.7 miles at a 9:34 pace on September 26, 2009. Today was 6 miles at a 9:47 pace. I had been excited to load the last year’s worth of history into my computer tonight, until I did it wrong and lost it all. It didn’t have all my runs, but I was excited to see what the history looked like. Miles of running, hours of my life, gone with the wrong click of my mouse. So it’s gone, my Garmin is back on empty. I will move on and continue to run with the empty Garmin, it’s not enough to stop me. I did have a moment of silence (after few moments of loud shouting at my computer) for the lost electronic log of my history. We’ll have to wait till next year to see what it has to report. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to load it correctly at that point.

Miles trained today: 6

Days till Chicago: 178

Days till Beach 2 Beacon: 114

Days till Cox Half: 17

Harvard Pilgrim 10K: 80

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