Sunday, December 6, 2009

Running on Ice

There was less than an inch of snow on the ground, not even enough for me to think about calling the run this morning.  How bad can it be?  Famous last words!

Our street was a slick sheet, but again it's a side road that is always the last to be plowed.  Joe thought it would clear out by the time we hit Charles St.  Rather than running, we looked like we were doing an interesting walk/hop combo for close to the first half mile.  What's the point, this is killing our speed.  Things were getting slightly better until we had to dodge icicles falling off the power lines!

By the time we turned onto Smithfield, enough had melted that running on the shoulder was comfortable.  Jenn was with us today, a training run for the half marathon in January.  It's likely that the road conditions for that race will mimic today's!  

I'm clearly unprepared for running in this mess, and would be perfectly content if today was the last run that had me holding my breath hoping not to fall.  Alas, it's New England and there will be several more like this so I better get over it!

Miles skated today: 3
Days till the Manhattan Half: 53

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