Sunday, June 27, 2010

One more week done

Finished up another week. Things are remaining on a positive upswing, both in terms of pain and mood. 33 miles with a long run of 11 and 1 yoga class. My long run was slower than last week's 9 miles but also much hotter. I must have become dehydrated and close to death because I decided to sign up for the crabman tri again. If nothing else it will force me to get in the pool more often and maybe even check out that tri club. One of the nicest things about running from the beach is hopping in the ocean immediately after. Joe says it doesn't count as an ice bath, but I'm telling you it's gotta come close. THe last 2 weeks after long runs followed by several minutes in the ocean my legs have felt good, I've been able to run after both runs. This week I'm looking for a 12 mile long run, 37ish miles total and it's the Harvard Pilgrim 10k. That's going to be a hot race, 9am start time next Sunday, UGH! I don't want to stack the schedule too full but if I could also squeeze in 2 swims and 1 yoga class I would be pleased.

PS - To the man who yelled at me out his car window tonight, "keep it up old lady": F off and why don't you try running 3 miles in 80 degree weather and 75% humidity, JACKASS!

Miles trained today: 3
Days till the Harvard Pilgrim 10k: 7
Beach 2 Beacon: 41
Chicago: 105

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