Monday, September 3, 2012

Family Fun Swim

Well, not really but I needed to get back into the water and Joe had dedicated the entire weekend to mandatory family fun time.  What to do when you need to train for a tri and you also have a family that needs some attention?  You convince your husband that your local pond is seriously the best beach ever.  In fact you are appalled that he's lived in RI his entire life and never been there.   Arrive at said beach at 9am with husband, kid, and a bag full of beach toys, goggles, swim caps and a wet suit.  Then point out the half mile swim dock, convince husband that he should try it and he'll do great (it helps that he has his own tri coming up at the end of the month).  Silently snicker on beach while building sand castles watching the evidence of the husband's poor sighting.  I mean really, straight line out and back and he does a figure 8 out there, it was hysterical.  Act very supportive when he finally arrives back at the beach, trade off kid and school the husband in open water swimming. Return from swim and pretend to not be winded even though you just went hard and fast to prove you could go harder and faster than he can.  Rehydrate and stretch while the kid feeds you cheerios and build more sand castles.  I will refrain from the full on gloat but will just point out that he was a life guard and swim team star and I just learned to swim a mere 4 years ago and finish times were more than 10 minutes apart....somehow I doubt that he'll ever agree to a family fun swim ever again.

Swam a half mile and biked for an hour

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