Tuesday, November 15, 2011

stop assuming

I had the chance to hear 2009 Kona winner, Jason Fowler, speak last night and to say his story is inspiring just doesn't do it justice. This guy is out of this world with what he's accomplished and the way he tells his story. If you have the chance to listen to him, do it. I've been meaning to be more focused in my workouts and it's been coming along but he gave me a new fire. One thing he mentioned was stop making excuses and assumptions for why you can't do something and this is a pitfall I know too well. With the kid, as much as I love him, he comes with a solid list of excuses why I won't get a workout in and often these are valid reasons. What it comes down to is if I want to cross that finish line the excuses need to stop as well as the reasons why I won't be able to reach the finish. It's funny how quickly you can fall into old habits. As fired up as I was when I got home last night that all seemed to fade when the alarm went off at 5:45 for a pool workout. Do I want this or not? And yes it sucked this morning, get up and pump then hit the pool only to come home finish breakfast and play time with the kid, once he's down for a nap it was a mad dash onto the treadmill to get my run in. But each workout is one workout closer to the end goal and each workout is a victory over the excuses and assumptions.

Miles run today: 3

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