I'm going to break my own rule and blog about a run the day after, forgive me, but WE RAN THE NEW YORK CITY MARATHON!!
I'm not even sure where to begin with this one, it was unreal from beginning to end. There were highs and lows, emotional at times, but we finished! It was a race like none other, I left New York today with no regrets. We had a blast! There are some shout outs I have to make:
To my lungs, I'm sorry that I ran while you were not up to top conditioning. Forgive me and please stop punishing me. You should have been cooperative and fought harder prior to the race, we never planned to run sick. I coughed throughout the race as you tried to remind me you were no in favor of running this marathon. I'm sure we contaminated many fans as I couldn't help by high-five them!
To Jenn and Mitch, You guys are unreal. I ran the race focusing on getting from 1 mile to the next, from mile 13 till we saw you, I chanted "get to Jenn, get to Jenn". Mitch, there you were, from now on we will refer to you as Mr. Gu. How you picked us out so clearly out of 43,741 runners, I have no idea. There you were, Gu in hand, we wouldn't have finished without it. Jenn, I cried when I saw you, although I think I heard you first. Jumping up and down, running along side us, cheering us through. You guys are the ultimate fans.
To Brooklyn, I love you, what a party! I don't know how many miles we were with you for, but it was a blast the whole time. Thank you for the hershey candy bar. I can now say that I danced to the YMCA while running a marathon. Your cheers were deafening, and there were plenty of sox fans out there.
To Melissa and Matt, mile 7 was all yours! Just the pick me up that we needed as things we starting to settle down. I want proof that you drank as close to 26.2 beers as you could!
To the Queensboro Bridge, Oh man do I hate you. You are an awful place and have no right to be part of a marathon. Desolate and uphill, my fellow marathoners were dropping like flies. You tried to take my Joe, and we fought you off! I knew that you had to connect to land eventually, but it felt like we ran on you for 2 hours, although it was mere minutes. Hellish!
To 1st Ave, Great times! I thought we would not get along, miles 16-18 run along your part of the route. I apologize to the Yankee fan I flipped off, don't tease marathoners this late in the race, even if we are Sox fans. I felt strong, like I could have run forever. Beautiful sights, the highlight of my marathon!
To Central Park, I hate to say it, but we are not good friends. I'm sure you are beautiful, but all I remember are your ugly rolling hills. Rick, where were you are mile 23? I felt the urge to spray the air with foul language, I held back in your honor. I apologize to the guide at mile 24 who was kindly making way for a wheelchair athlete, I thought you were removing me from the course and offering me a chair. What can I say, the lack of glucose was affecting my brain function!
To the timing mats, thanks for being there to remind me that there were friends and family at home who were cheering for us. Every time we ran across I did a little dance, yes even at the very end. Next time I don't need so many reminders that I continue to be very far from finishing. It's a long way from mile 24 to mile 26, and I didn't need the count down to the final .2 meter by meter, a little like rubbing salt in the wound.
To Nich, You are great! What a weekend, and too see a familiar face at the end made it all worth it. You made it felt like we were the first 2 finishers. Sorry I hugged you at the end, in hindsight we probably didn't smell great, the glucose can be blamed again
To my Babe, we did it and we did it together. Thank You!
There is so much more than can be said, but you will never get it until you have run it. The New York City Marathon is an experience like no other, such a great time. The lottery for 2010 is open, if we can do it anyone can do it!
Miles raced on 11/01/09: 26.2
Marathons Completed: 2